This Saturday, notorious fascist news outlet Red Ice Radio announced that Identity Evropa (IE), a white-supremacist propaganda group, had planned an anti-immigrant demonstration in San Francisco for the following Monday. IE would be protesting San Francisco’s status as a ‘sanctuary city’ with Red Ice live streaming the event, further solidifying the known ties between the two organizations. Word quickly spread, and on Sunday Rad-Left news source Its Going Down dropped an article detailing the event, its organizers, and their distasteful history. Other sources picked up the story, which blew up overnight and was shared online hundreds of times. Antifascists and enraged SF residents alike answered the call, despite the rally only being publicized two days in advance, and despite the yet-to-be-announced location. Continue reading
Nathan Damigo Exposed: Identity Evropa Leader Operating Out Of CSU Stanislaus
Recently, the president of CSU Sacramento called up the president of CSU Stanislaus, a campus located in the Central Valley town of Turlock, CA. The CSU Sacramento president, Dr. Robert S. Nelsen, was concerned and angry after discovering that a white supremacist group, Identity Evropa (IE), had pasted up a series of posters promoting themselves around the campus. Continue reading
Supporting Each Other and Resisting State Repression

CAIR’s notorious anti-FBI poster. We love it.
It has now been three months since the events that unfolded on June 26th. Given the gravity of the situation, we must assume that the investigation is fully underway and prepare for repression accordingly. It is abundantly clear that during this aftermath period, we can expect to see law enforcement take its usual route of targeting and isolating individuals in an attempt to gain information to be used both to prosecute and for ongoing surveillance purposes.
Keep yourself and your friends safe – don’t talk! Continue reading
Getting Involved in the Fight Against Racism and Fascism
Print off these (8.5×11 & 11×15) posters and post them up wherever you see white nationalists encroaching. Put them up anywhere else you see fit to demonstrate that there is a growing movement opposing the fascist threat. While we think it is crucial for you to take part and please distribute these posters with us, we also encourage you to take precaution, go postering with a buddy, and look out for one another. Making a plan and committing to safe practices are important while we move forward and work to end fascism. Continue reading
With Solidarity From Northern California to Helsinki, Finland
On Saturday, September 10th, a confrontation between a well-known Scandinavian Neo-Nazi group and an outspoken anti-racist individual ultimately ended in tragedy. Continue reading