Meet the Bay Area’s 4chan Kangaroo Court

Cops and chan, hand in hand

On May 24, the Berkeley Police Department arrested Eric Clanton in Oakland regarding alleged assaults that occurred during an April 15 confrontation in Berkeley between antifascists and a coalition of far-right groups that included the 3 Percenter and Oath Keeper militias, Identity Evropa, Kyle “Based Stick Man” Chapman, and more. In weeks preceding Clanton’s arrest, members of 4chan’s politics forum called /pol/, the alt-right and all around disgusting and hate-filled internet message board, had been collecting what they considered to be evidence in the case. Threads about Eric Clanton’s alleged behavior could be seen wedged between other discussions such as anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination and the biological inferiority of people of color. Continue reading

How the Biggest Racist Alt-Right Rally of 2017 is Happening…in Berkeley

Visual ‘Who’s Who Guide’ Of the Racist Right Coming to Berkeley Here

White nationalists, far-Right militias, pro-Trump bikers, members of the Alt-Right, and neo-Nazis are not only coming to the Berkeley Trump rally on Saturday, April 15th – they are speaking and organizing it. As we will show, full blown white nationalists connected to Richard Spencer and other leading neo-Nazis will address Trump supporters on Saturday, despite the claims of rally organizers that they have no connection to white supremacists or the Alt-Right.  Continue reading

Piss, Kilts, and Sticks: How Violent Trump Supporters Are Merging with the Alt-Right

Approximately 75 people showed up to the ‘March on Berkeley,’ on March 4th, 2017, an event organized by Richard Black of Southern California, to support the Presidency of Donald Trump. The march was to coincide with a national day of action planned in support of Trump, who faces a crisis of legitimacy and drastically dropping support in polls. In Berkeley however, the Right originally intended for this event to be a kind of follow up or revenge for what happened at UC Berkeley on February 1st, 2017, when the community shut down Milo Yiannopoulos from giving a speech, (the event was also organized by the Berkeley College Republicans who have ties to neo-Nazis), before it even began. However as we got closer to March 4th, and as Milo’s career tanked in the wake of anti-consent and pro-pedophilia comments, plans changed and the theme of the event shifted from “free speech” to supporting Donald Trump.

signal-2017-02-11-210641 Continue reading

The Kids are Alt-Right: The UC Berkeley College Republicans

The Berkeley College Republicans (BCR) have invited Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at UC Berkeley [1] as a stop on his so-called “Dangerous Faggot Tour” on February 1st, 2017. Milo has gained a fair amount of infamy in recent years, currently has a lucrative book deal, and writes for the far-Right online publication Breitbart, whose former editor, Steve Bannon, is now currently Trump’s top advisor. Continue reading

Meet the Damigos: All American White Supremacy

damigo_flagNathan Damigo’s seemingly meteoric rise to media prominence with his white supremacist activism under the banner of Identity Evropa would not be possible without the emotional and material support of his family before and after his release from prison in 2014. Nathan currently lives with his family on a 5 acre compound in Oakdale, located in Stanislaus county, California. Continue reading

Michigan Identity Evropa: Fraternity of Fascists

Andrew Ferguson and Kilian Glish, 1st and 3rd from left. Two members of the fascist and white supremacist group, Identity Evropa, and former members of the DKE frat in Michigan. Shawn Mccaffrey is pictured 2nd from the front right, and is another Michigan resident.


A building for DKE in Michigan. The fraternity included members who are part of Identity Evropa, some even serving in leadership positions.

This report focuses on Identity Evropa members and their alt-right network in Michigan, some of which are former members of the DKE fraternity. Delta Kappa Epsilon for centuries has been a prestigious frat for wealthy, bougie, and well connected spoiled brats, and boasts a total of 5 former members who have gone on to become POUS. For more information on Identity Evropa in general and their membership outside of Michigan, see our last report, Identity Evropa: Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre. Continue reading

Identity Evropa: Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre

The combined money from all IE members trust funds could bail out half of students with loan debt. Identity Evropa (IE) members at the National Policy Institute gathering in Washington DC.

Several weeks ago, the National Policy Institute (NPI) held its annual conference in Washington DC, which ended with NPI head Richard Spencer declaring, “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail Victory!” as people in the audience threw up their arms in fascist salutes. While images of white supremacists Sieg-Heiling went viral online, it did nothing to stem the tide of media spotlight that the mainstream bestowed upon Spencer. After the conference, white supremacists on the podcast, “Intersectional Alt-Right” with Andrew Anglin (of The Daily Stormer) and Jazzhands McFeels discussed the event and talked about how a gap was widening between the “older vanguard” (like Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Peter Brimelow of V-DARE) and the “new generation,” (headed by Richard Spencer and many others who grew out of the Alt-Right subculture of Neo-Nazi podcasts and memes). But another key player was emerging: Identity Evropa. Continue reading

No Fascists on Campus: Shut Down Milo at UC Berkeley

The Berkeley College Republicans have invited far-right agitator Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at UC Berkeley on February 1st.

Given the recent increase in fascist activity both on and around the UC Berkeley campus, we feel that the university’s willingness to provide a platform to Milo Yiannopoulos and his views is unacceptable, and we intend to shut this event down. We are inviting all allies and the Berkeley community to join us in making UC Berkeley a fascist-free zone. Continue reading